Story line for the book I want to write about GOM is finished. Smoldering. Stewing.
Put it down for a while so that I can think about it and other things. Other things have taken over and I am trying to clear my desk of other things so I can write about GOM. The biggest thing is the grant that brought Dakota Elders back to Indian Heights Park. The final report is due October 1st. Yikes.
Next is son's soccer. Discrimination abounds and I am just sick about it. Why does this have to happen now? There is NO way I am backing down on this one. I didn't spend hours and hours on the Core Planning Team to make sure kids of color were included in ALL aspects of education and that includes sports!!!
Of course there is the usual nonsense in the Indian Heights Park issue. FOIH, NAC and other people from the Average White Band trying to monopolize our efforts to bring our Dakota history to the forefront. Man that band just keeps playing even though the world is trying to move on. Dang! Thankfully, the NPS is keeping an open mind and realizes just how important it is to have the Dakota perspective in the park's history. After all people from the AWB, it is because of the Dakota that the park was preserved in the first place.
Then there is the GRADS group that I am a part of. These ladies are nice, but they work for Mayo and let's face it, Mayo has held our history and our people down long enough! It is time to move on and start making a different for OUR people not Mayo. Geez.
Maybe GOM is where I need to be. All these other things are bringing me down. GOM did what she needed to do and lived until she died. GOM has left this earth over 200 years ago and she is still taking me to school. Gotta love that!